Retire to the Life You Love

Praise for Retire to the Life You Love – Practical Tools for Designing Your Meaningful Future

In Retire to the Life You Love, Nell Smith puts the actual quality of your retirement front and centre. The spotlight is not on ‘how much’ I will have in retirement but rather, ‘how well’—emotionally and physically—I will be living my retirement. Retire to the Life You Love invites the reader to look inward and to examine what is truly important to the individual and how he or she would like to spend the next phase of their life. The book also contains hands-on, intuitive exercises and analytical tools to help the reader arrive at answers to the truly important questions: ‘What are you going to do when you retire?’; ‘Who am I when I am no longer identified by my work role?’; ‘How do I find joy and passion in my life?’ and ‘What will give my life new meaning and purpose?

Combining the lifestyle concepts raised in Retire to the Life You Love with traditional quantitative retirement planning, this book is a must for anyone that is truly looking for a robust, all-encompassing and fulfilling roadmap for their later years.

Canadian Institute of Financial Planning

Retire to the Life You Love reads like a conversation with a life coach. Nell deftly guides you with examples, stories, and practical tools to show you the opportunities a long life can bring for inner peace, enriched relationships, and evolving wisdom to contribute to the greater good of society.

Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D.,
A New Purpose: Redefining Money, Family, Work,
Retirement, and Success
Founder Age Wave

This book is a work of wisdom, combining practical tools, strategies and ideas into an invaluable resource. Presenting a journey through self-exploration, much of this book focuses on designing one’s life in a meaningful, fulfilling way. By focusing beyond one’s working career, this book beautifully pulls together the inseparable spheres of life, including relationships, health, contributing, learning and leisure. If people spent even 10% of the time they spend on planning their finances on planning a meaningful future, our society’s happiness index would increase exponentially - and this book is a way to begin the process.

Dr. Laura Hambley,
Founder of Canada Career Counselling and Adjunct
Professor of Psychology, University of Calgary

Reading Nell’s book has reenergized me! After being retired for ten years I wanted to revisit my retirement choices. I am already using the tools and strategies to design the next new chapter of my life.

RD MacLean,
Retired City Auditor
City of Calgary

I couldn’t put this jewel of a book down! In a calm and impactful way, Nell inspires you with her own story and those of many of her workshop participants and others. Step by practical step, she guides you to embrace your next chapter moving FROM your current career TO living every facet of your life to the fullest, your way!

Kate Jones, M.Ed,
Co-author Retirement Dimensions™,
Co-author Great Parenting Skills for Navigating
Your Kid’s Personality

Arriving when I am personally about to retire from all professional activities in the career development field, this lively and engaging book was particularly timely for me. It raises all the questions which have been in my mind, and others besides, and provides a rich resource for exploring them carefully, systematically, and creatively. It will be of great value to anyone involved in later-life career transitions, helping them to design the next stage of their lives.

Professor Tony Watts,
International Policy Consultant,
Career Development,
United Kingdom

I am confident in the design of my retirement plan because it is based on what I love to do best and on who I really am...

Suzen Sam,
Enriched by Code


















Retire to the Life You Love is one of the most insightful and practical books I have encountered to help address the next chapter of one's life. Many 'retirees' had golden handcuffs to jobs that paid well or went down career paths according to what was available at the time, but were never really satisfying. How wonderful to have practical tools to help design the later stages of life.

I will recommend it to my husband, my clients, and my friends.

Linda Berens,
Understanding Yourself and Others:
An Introduction to the 4 Temperaments

Nell thoughtfully weaves inspiring stories with practical tools and resources to help readers answer challenging questions and engage with energy and eagerness in life design. Retire to the Life You Love provides a holistic view of and comprehensive approach to re-frame retirement from an outdated model to an energizing and designed phase of life. This interactive and applied book is certain to capture audiences, change mindsets, and inspire growth! Writing their story and reflecting on new thoughts and ideas along the way, readers complete a journey from self-discovery and reflection through goal-setting and action.

Through sharing her own personal story, Nell helps readers to feel understood and not alone in this tremendous life transition often plagued with uncertainty, irrelevance and isolation. This is a book not only full of wonderful insights and genuine care, but filled with opportunities for self-reflection, awareness and discovery, filling the reader with new insights and applicable next steps. A comprehensive approach to re-thinking retirement!

Rich Feller,
Past President of the National Career Development Association
and Thought Leader AARP’s Life Reimagined program

What a wonderful toolkit for folks contemplating retirement as well as those who are already retired, but craving a richer experience! Grounded in the “six circles of life” model, Retire to the Life You Love offers a comprehensive integrated approach to life planning that acknowledges the interconnections between all of our life roles and activities. Written by a credible and compassionate author who walks her talk, this readable, engaging, and inspiring book shares compelling case examples and offers holistic tips and strategies for customizing a satisfying and purpose-filled retirement lifestyle. You’ll want to keep this book on your bookshelf, returning to it again and again to fine-tune retirement plans as new challenges and opportunities come your way.

Dr. Roberta Neault,
President, Life Strategies Ltd.,
Associate Dean, Yorkville University

As we live longer and healthier lives, more and more people are being faced with the challenge and the opportunity of shaping what it is they want to do in later life. This book is timely, practical and full of self-guided activities to help you build the life you want in retirement.

Lynne Bezanson & Sareena Hopkins,
Co-Executive Directors,
Canadian Career Development Foundation

I love Nell’s work. She is a pioneer in helping KAA-Boomers design the retirement of their dreams. A must read.

Barbara Jaworski,
CEO Workplace Institute, Founder,
Annual Best Employers Award for
50 Plus Canadians and Chair,
Annual Summit on the Mature Workforce


Retire To The Life You Love
- Practical Tools for Designing Your Meaningful Future -
by Nell Smith

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