to the Life You Love reads
like a conversation with a life coach. Nell deftly guides you
with examples, stories, and practical tools to show you the
opportunities a long life can
bring for inner peace, enriched
relationships, and evolving wisdom to contribute to the greater
good of society."
Dychtwald, Ph.D. Founder of Age Wave
I believe life is a journey of exploration and discovery, not a
destination. The challenge is what direction to take on your personal
journey. There are so many options, so much potential, and so many
opportunities. It’s exhilarating stuff! How exactly do you
choose what could be a good fit for you?
For more than 25 years, I’ve been helping facilitate the
career and life choices of thousands of men and women in career
planning and retirement preparation workshops. Participants came
to explore new ideas, new options, or confirm a tentative choice.
Some came tired, depressed or fearful. All left with renewed hope
and energy to explore and take action on the options they discovered.
When my husband was offered an exit package by his employer and
wasn’t sure what he would do if he accepted, I created the
first Retire
to the Life You Design© workshop for him and
others like him, the start of a wave of pre boomers and boomers
that followed. That
was close to 20 years ago. He is continuing to work part time in
the choice he made in that workshop. And I continue to help those
who are looking for guidance in discovering their own direction.
Now into my seventies, I have created a life balance that works
for my energy level, interests, and the values that are important
to me. The contract I manage facilitating retirement planning workshops
for employees of a large organization now includes associates who
facilitate the workshops while I focus on writing the book that
has the potential to reach more people with its hopeful message
that it’s not too late to live the life you desire. Plus
provides the tools to make it happen for yourself, already proved
to have helped others just like you.
The balance I created for my own life embodies the six ways to
love your life: to be true to who you are; to be physically, mentally
and spiritually well; to be compassionate with yourself, family,
friends, and society as a whole; to be a contributor to the greater
good through meaningful work or volunteer options; to be curious
and keep learning; and to just be through restorative and joyful
leisure activities. In short, to express who you are on the inside
through intentional choices in the outer world for a personally
meaningful present and future.